
Nightguard in a case

If you often wake up with jaw pain, earaches, or headaches, or if you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth, you may have a common condition called “bruxism.” Many people do not even know that they grind their teeth, as it often occurs when one is sleeping. If not corrected, bruxism can lead to broken teeth, cracked teeth, or even tooth loss.

There is an easy, non-invasive treatment for bruxism: nightguards. Nightguards are an easy way to prevent the wear and damage that teeth-grinding causes over time. Custom-made by your dentist from soft material to fit your teeth, a nightguard is inserted over your top or bottom arch and prevents contact with the opposing teeth.

Picture of Call us at (863) 656-7741 to discuss your questions or concerns.
Call us at (863) 656-7741 to discuss your questions or concerns.

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"The exam was really thorough, the results were carefully explained to me, and I was given a chance to review costs of my treatment and even given a copy to take home and review. No pressure, no hype, just honest care by some great professionals."
May, 2023

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